Who is Troy Davis?

I was grew up in Florida, I went into the United Stated Air Force straight out of high school. I served 4 years as an Aircraft Armament Airman. In 2012 I seperated to pursue my education. I have an Associates Degree from Central Carolina Technical College in Engineering Graphics Technology. Now I am pursuing my B.S. in Information Technology from the American Military University.

My hobbies are 3d Printing, web design, learning new programs, playing with my chihuahua Ronin. I also like being outdoors and exploring nature though I will admit I dont get out as much as I would like.

Today I offer 3d Printing services, 3d model design, CAD design work, drafting, web design, and some software engineering. I created this site myself using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My intention is to use this site as a portfolio page while im in school, and to make some extra money from my experience and education.

If you would like to know more about me, please use the contact form below, or please consider following me Twitter!

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